Office Hours: M, T, Th, F 9a-4p, W 9a-6p
Office closes at 2 pm on Fridays during
the summer months...
8:30 am, Mon,
Tues, Fri, Sat SVP Chapel
8:30 am, Thurs SA Church
1st Fri. of month SVP
(in Summer) SVP Chapel
Holy Days of Obligation
8:30 am & 12 Noon SVP
6:00 pm SA
4 pm, Saturday SA Church
5 pm, Saturday SVP Church
8:30 am, Sunday SVP Church
10 am, Sunday SA Church
11 am, Sunday SVP Church
9 - 10 am,
1st Fri. of mo. SVP Church
(in Summer) SVP Chapel
Stations of the Cross followed
by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be at St. Aloysius Church every Friday during Lent from 6PM to 7PM...
3 pm - 3:45 pm, Sat SA Church
4 pm - 4:45 pm, Sat SVP Church